Get your pencils, paints and pritt sticks at the ready! It's time for the annual MHUB...

Eid Card Competition 2023

MHUB Eid card competition Muslim homeschoolers birmingham

The Competition

Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to put all your most incredible, creative ability to the ultimate test, by daring to design the most interesting, exciting and spectacular Eid card you can possibly pluck from your ignited and most vivid imagination…


bravely present it before an eagle-eyed panel ofย  generous judges, tasked with the ingenious job of crowning 3 wonderful winners of the brand spankingly new, annual MHUB Eid Card competition 2023!

The Age Groups

  • 0 – 5
  • 6 – 10
  • 11 – 16

The Prize

The three wonderous winners will have their mind-bogglingly, marvellous masterpieces sent to the printworks and soon enough, will receive a whopping pack of 10 A6 cards featuring their wow-factor winning designs. Wahoo! Imagine seeing your art on professionally printed cards for the entire world to enjoy and say

“Oooh how talented!”

“Wowww how beautfiul!!”

“Cor blimey, how amazing!!!”


The Rules

  • Open to all MHUB members
  • 50p per entry (paid to Sarah)
  • 1 entry per child
  • Child’s own work (Mummy, Daddy, no helping, ok?)
  • Deadline: 10pm 17th February 2023

The Fine Print

  • All entries to be sent via to:
  • All entries must have a note attached with the child’s full name, age, mum’s name & phone number
  • All media types can be used
  • Judges will consider the overall design and use of colour
  • Winners will be announced Monday 27th February on the MHUB Whatsapp Group

Bismillah and go for it!!!


MHUB Eid card competition Muslim homeschoolers birmingham